Go to the RCA official homepage here: http://www.rca.ac.uk/
A look at some of the sponsors inside
Samsung Hungary was promoting 'Eco Bubble' washing machine technology and was asking attendees to mention something unique or interesting about their style. It's not so easy to describe in a few words in such a small space, but here's my attempt:
Maybeline was offering make-up tips, tutorials and make-overs
Hungaria Champagne
Merci Chocolates... yum!
La vie est belle perfume sampling
On to the fashion show that evening - first, from the London graduate students:
Also, more inspiration from Hungarian designers...
My absolute favourites:
A list of all the designers and their websites:
Artista http://www.artistafashion.com/
Daniel Benus http://danielbenus.com/
Dora Abodi http://www.doraabodi.com/
Dori Tomcsanyi http://www.doritomcsanyi.com/
Elysian http://www.maisonelysian.com/
Konsanszky http://www.konsanszky.com/
Nora Sarman http://norasarman.com/collections/fw-2012
The Four http://thefour.hu/
Celeni http://celeni.hu/wp/
Daige http://daige.hu/
Es-tu un Ange? http://etuashop.com/
KELE Clothing http://keleclothing.com/
KOMOD http://komodstudio.hu/
Mei Kawa http://www.meikawa.com/
Varga Flora-Kitin https://www.facebook.com/KITINCLOTHING
Zoe Phobic http://www.zoephobic.com/
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