Thursday 20 March 2014


Today is the first day of Spring, Macaron Day and International Happiness Day (everyday should be a happy day!)! A beautiful and wonderful day to celebrate! I've been reflecting with my family and friends on 'what makes us happy' and how we can continue to lead positive lifes and find inspiration in the simple things.
So, here is a list, of some of the things which make me happy ... in no particular order!

1. Macarons, Cupcakes, Cakes and sweets in general.

I got these today from Gelarto Rosa today!  

2. Little kids dressed better than me. Just seeing how cute they are puts a smile on my face.

3. Travelling. Enough said.

4. Sunsets. The orange, pinks, purples are so calming and mesmerizing. 

This photo is from the time my sister and her bf came to visit and we went to Austria. 

5. High ceilings and big windows

6. The view from my window. Budapest, Hungary.

7. Lipsticks from M.A.C. And getting a free lipstick when you return 5 empty containers!

8. Silly little dogs. Especially when they're dressed!

9. Fresh fruit salads in the mornings

10. The lake (back home)

And, of course, the absolute number one that belongs at the very top of this list are my relationships with my family and friends. :) 
What makes you happy?

Here's a site that's been floating around on my Facebook for a few weeks now and I love the positive message behind it. Can you be happy for 100 days? Take the 'challenge' and sign up HERE

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