Friday 20 November 2015

MCFD 2015

Thank you to Marie Claire Magyarország for the VIP press invitation for the Marie Claire Fashion Days! Hungarian designers showed off their Spring/Summer 2016 collections at the Várkert Bazár and we welcomed a handful of new creative minds to the Hungarian fashion market. The three days of fashion premiered with Hungarian celebrities on the runway at the VIP event. As previously mentioned, I have difficulty recognizing Hungarian celebrities as I do not watch T.V. or speak the language here but you can find out more about these runway celeb models below their photos. Enjoy!

Watch some highlights from the weekend ...

Video Credit Máté Vincze

Tamás Lengyel, wearing Daniel Benus, has been making his way in and out of modeling and is most known for his comedic acts. "Despite the shorter trousers, I find this collection to be explicitly tasteful." -T.L.

Panni Epres, wearing Elysian, is a third time returning guest model to the MCFD runway. She is known for her modeling, work in advertising and T.V. appearances. "I loved enchanting the audience with this long, dark miracle for a moment on the runway." - P.E.

Eszter Balla, Hungarian actress, gliding down the runway wearing Dori Tomcsányi.

Magdi Rúzsa, wearing Zigi, is known for winning Hungary's talent search in 2006 and she continues to sing Hungarian pop music.

The editor of Marie Claire Hungary, 4th from right, 
along with the celebrity models for the VIP event.

Photo Credit Attila Nagy and Máté Gregus

Favourite looks from the runway for Spring/Summer 2016
listed in alphabetical order


Photo Credit Attila Nagy, Máté Gregus & Cubephoto

London Fashion School's student talent also made their appearance on the runway, presenting the audience with some uniquely designed pieces. University of Kingston and University of the Arts London are two of the main universities who are able to offer their best young designers to present their collections at MCFD. This event is an exciting moment for the young designers to get their foot through the door and make connections with designers in Hungary. 

Photo Credit Attila Nagy

Thank you again, Marie Claire Magyarország for the invitation! :)

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