Monday 9 November 2015


There is nothing like spending a beautiful fall day walking around in the Buda hills. I went for a walk with my friend to check out some of the properties in the 12th district and we felt like we were in a different city. That is one of the things which I love about Budapest; there is such a diverse feeling in each district and there are so many things to do in one city. On the Buda side, there is the castle district, Gellert Hill, Normafa, various cafes and bistros, forests, hills and beautiful homes in quiet neighbourhoods. 

A friend introduced me to this ruined palace, which was built by the famous architect Jozsef Hild. He was known for remodeling Pest in the 19th century and assisted with the building plans of the St. Stephen's Basilica, Esztergom Basilica, villas in Budapest and the Lloyd Palace, which was demolished and replaced by the Gresham Palace. This villa below is known as the Karczag villa and it is located in the 12th district on Diana utca. It was built in 1844 and is now standing empty, with little movement towards renovations. Being passed from state to owner to owner with no luck of reparations. This is due to the fact that this building is protected by Hungarian law and for it to be restored, it would need to be restored to the condition in which it once stood. Costly, timely and ultimately, a legal battle between owners and state. Over six years ago, the owner asked for the villa to be demolished, but this request was obviously rejected. This villa would need a complete makeover as the foundation is crumbling to bits. Homeless people were squatting here and made a complete mess of it: broken windows which are now boarded up, they tore out the original hardwood floors and with time there are crumbling bricks, stairs and columns. Such a shame to see such a wonderful building go to waste, but what can we do? Wait around for a rich foreigner to save it and restore I suppose?

Just down the street you can find the church Szent Laszlo templom and the newly built Embassy of Saudi Arabia which looks like a mansion straight out of Florida. 

If you're looking for a refreshing and quiet activity, the Buda hills are fantastic for a weekend wander.

Photos are property of MR

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