Tuesday 27 January 2015


Hungarian designer Nóra Sármán and Pinewood Weddings presented their first joint work, titled the Peak of Romance at art gallery Higgs Field on Monday January 26th. Sármán and Pinewood's collaboration is designed to allow the audience gain a different perspective on the ideals of love. The wedding dresses hung from the ceiling and gently moved as you walked past, revealing the intimate details of the lace and intricate beading along the back. 

I've been acquainted with Nóra Sármán's designs at the Marie Claire Fashion Days this past year and absolutely fell in love with her designs. Check out that post HERE

During the evening, guests could get a close glimpse at the details and design of the beautiful pieces of clothing, photo slideshows and live through the romantic journey of the Super8 film screening. Watch below to see the behind the scenes shooting from a great height. 

Music: Mickey Mix
Slideshow: Single Super 8 club

 Hungarian dress designer, Nóra Sármán, wearing her own design, along with photographer, 
Enikő Várai and Levente Kádár

Photos courtesy of Enikő Várai

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