Saturday 3 January 2015


I've heard and seen a lot of positive comments and hype about Oscar Hair and Beauty salon and wanted to see what it was all about. Today I had an appointment with Leonardo, aka my future husband, at Oscar Hair and Beauty Salon in Budapest and got quite a few centimeters off the length. He did a spectacular transformation of my scalp and hair and I feel like I've taken a new step into 2015. This is a truly professional salon which styles hair for top celebrities and prepares models for fashion events in the city, so I knew I would be in good hands. All the stylists are from Italy and they can really recommend good style for your skin tone and facial features. If you're willing to spend a bit more money, then it is definitely worth it! 

Treatments I had done:
Shatush (sunkissed effect) - the highlights get 'painted' in
Hair cut & style

Oscar Hair & Beauty

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