Monday 1 December 2014


Zoltan Herczeg, Hungarian fashion designer showcased his 'Coming to America' line last night at Kiosk. The Hungarian designer recently returned from Los Angeles, where he became friends with Kill Bill actor Michael Madsen, and the two collaborated to create Herczeg Empire by Michael Madsen. The fashion show featured men with a load of attitude as they rocked down the runwway, rock and roll beats by the KISS Forever Band and lots of funny moments in between. As the Hungarian fashion scene is still working its way into catering towards males, this collection is perfect for the gents. The pieces are hardcore, edgy and easy to wear but also absolutely affordable; ranging from 4000 HUF for T-Shirts to 10,000 HUF for men's shirts, sweaters and jeans. This was one of the aims for the designer; to attract more men to the label with good quality materials, styles and trends, pieces that won't go quickly out of fashion and to make the designs affordable and accessible for the Hungarian public and worldwide. The show aired on ustream (find link at the bottom) so everyone can check out the designs straight from home. 
Take a peek below at the photos and video...

Interested in buying Herczeg designs? Check out Herczeg at TREND2 at Budaƶrs

Photos by Benecz Robert & Ferenc Mernyo

Watch the Herczeg Empire Men's fashion show on USTREAM

Oh the amount of confetti... have fun cleaning up! :)


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