Friday 12 June 2015


The first 'themed' exhibition took place at Mono Art & Design yesterday evening: the Budapest edition of ARTplacc Contemporary Arts and Design Festival. Capsule collections and contemporary art pieces were all inspired by Lake Balaton! The inspired theme details were seen on the specifically designed (for this exhibition) shirts and dresses, with small sail boats, fish, water and delicate designs and shades of blue. Famous wines from Balaton's wine regions were served and most guests enjoyed the event from outside as it felt like a sweltering hot day in Mono. Take a look at the exhibit when you get the chance. :) Enjoy the photos!

Featuring artists: Zsili Bertalan Babos, Péter Klimó, Endre Koronczi, Márta Kucsora, Zsófi Pályi, Barna Péli, Ábel Péterfy, Ádám Csaba Szabó. 

Window installation by Kiss Miklos

Music: Peter Hencz + Kiraly Marci (Magas Élet)

What I'm wearing:
white long shirt DVA
jeans LEVIS
wedges H&M

Photos by me
Property of MR

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