Sunday 29 March 2015


I'm giving you a sneak preview of what was happening at the Toni & Guy Fashion Week in Budapest, Hungary this weekend... 
More posts to follow about designers' fall collections, along with new music!

This season's TGFWB was at the beautiful Várkert Bazár, which was just recently completely renovated after not having been in use for over 20 years! This originally was a market, built between 1875-1883 in Neo-Renaissance style, which was filled with shops and also used as a concert venue. The bazar was badly damaged during World War 2 and the condition of the bazar deteriorated in 1980 and was not in use since then. I had only been here once before and it was fantastic seeing this venue being put to use for the TGFWB weekend.

Inside the Várkert Bazár: this year for TGFWB AW15, there was an Instagram wall where posts kept popping up with anyone who would use the hashtag #fashionweekbudapest. It was a new way to interact with others and allowed attendees to see what others were seeing backstage.

KELE Clothing presentation 

Hajduanett leather bags presentation

Some of the backstage crew, cosmetics and hair products

Omorovicza cosmetics, made with Hungarian thermal water, were being used to cleanse and calm the models' skin 
in between preparing for the next show

Sneak previews of hair, makeup and AW15 collections from some of the designers

Some runway shots... more to come in posts dedicated to each designer! Stay tuned!

Models being comical backstage

A very cute moment shared between Hungarian designer, Dori Tomscanyi and her 2.5 year old daughter, Mimi. Every time Dori tried to crouch down to take a photo near her daughter, Mimi also kept crouching down. So sweet!

More photos to come soon!

All photos by me
Property of MR

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