Monday 9 March 2015


Fashion and art came together in the Celeni and PAF showcase at Art Salon Budapest this evening. Hungarian designer, Eszter Cselenyi collaborated with PAF artist to create a spectacular art inspired collection for Spring/Summer 2015. Pintér András Ferenc (PAF) is the artist behind the beautiful hand painted designs and you can find more of the designs HERE from the Marie Claire Fashion Days. PAF demonstrated his inspiration in front of a crowd of over 200 people tonight and together with Eszter, they draped the pieces over the Hungarian actress and special guest, Mónika Balsai. 

Mónika then recited a poem about spring by Gyula Juhász. An extract, translated from Hungarian: 

The eternal sun is shining faintly, 
but spring has been the stars smokers 
whizzed noises in the night, 
a new world has been whispering: I'll be!

Happy because this word is true and holy 
and eternal law and blessed consolation 
to win in life, swell and swell 
flooded all the old barriers!

Among the crowd were many bloggers, artists, fashion lovers and Fenyvesi Zoltán, aka the Wheelchair Guy!

Photos are property of MR

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