Tuesday 19 August 2014


Model – Maria Vasilenko at 1mother agency photo – Vitalik Melnikov www.flickr.com/photos/melnikovvitalik www.facebook.com/vitalik.melnikov

Wide Brimmed Hats | Natalie Merrillyn

Lack of Colour Montana Wide Brim Hat at Free People Clothing Boutique

red lips red heart black floppy hat - Fated To Be Hated. Also...her makeup is always top notch!

mysterious stripes classic #style

inspiration for www.duefashion.com  Untitled by Donald J

I just purchased a soft wool black floppy hat the other day and I'm inspired for the autumn. I'm not yet ready to let go of the summer, but my vacation is coming to an end (only 1 day left!) and it's time to start thinking of the fall wardrobe essentials.

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