Wednesday 9 July 2014

Hair Tutorial

If you also spend over an hour curling your hair like me, then you know that a) it can be quite a good workout for your arms and b) that it is so tedious and you wish you had a quicker way to curl that damn hair! I have a tutorial on how to get your hair from straight to bouncy curls within 10 minutes! Read on...

Start with clean, dry hair and brush it out

 Brush your hair up into a high pony tail 

 Depending on the thickness of your curling rod/iron and the thickness of your hair, you will need to separate your hair into sections to curl. 
I split my hair into 8 sections to get the desired look.

Take your pony tail out, comb your fingers through your hair and voila! 

So much happiness since it didn't take forever. Just 10 minutes. Now your turn! Go!


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