Tuesday 10 December 2013


Not your average looking dog! Tuna: The Instagram Sensation! This dog has over 600,000 followers on the site and I can now see why. Look at his cute overbite, his bat ears and funny outfits. He reminds me a little bit of Mr. Burns' character from The Simpsons.
But, Tuna is definitely much cuter.
He is quite charming, I must say. 

"I just woke up and I'm ready to start my day!"

Onto the outfit selection...
"Perhaps I will wear my hoodie. It sure it getting chilly outside."

"These ears are quite a bit too festive for today."

"Wig and a bow tie. Looks just right."

"Going for a drive. Shall we go to Starbucks?"

"Photoshoot! My side profile is the best!"

"Smile for the camera."

"Busy day. So tired."

This little guy sure made me laugh!
Enjoy more photos HERE!

Night night.


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